Vol 1: Issue 34 26 May 2023 CORRUPTION KILLS RESIDENTS IN HAMMANSKRAAL Can you believe that Black people are still dying of cholera in 2023? 17 people have so far lost their lives to cholera in the current outbreak in Hammanskraal in the north…
Vol 1: Issue 33 19 May 2023 EMBRACED BLACKNESS IS A PROUD STRIDE TOWARDS EXCELLENCE I once read from somewhere about the story of a sculptor who was sweating and meticulously carving an idol for a temple. A foreigner is said to have passed…
Vol 1: Issue 32 12 May 2023 AN OFFENSIIVE TOWARDS ONE MILLION VOTES The 26th Congress of AZAPO held in Tshwane last weekend took a bold and daring decision to campaign for One Million Votes in the 2024 Elections. There is no time for…
Vol 1: Issue 31 05 May 2023 EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AS AN ECONOMIC STRATEGY FOR GROWTH One wishes that our country could overgrow the euphoria around the Matric results. It is saddening to witness how we get so misdirected as to use the results…